I have been asked several times to identify the technologies that a particular web site is using (from Operating System , Webserver , Javascript Framework and so on… Sometime it it very straighforward other times it is just like searching a needle in a haystack. Note that you cannot just look at the file extension to say that a website is using asp or php, you will need to dig deeper.
Here are the trick that I usually use (from the most intuitive to the least intuitive):
General Info, Web server, CMS, OS…
http://builtwith.com/ http://news.netcraft.com/ http://www.quarkbase.com/ http://w3techs.com/sites
Domain Details
http://dndetails.com/ http://whois.domaintools.com/
Javascript Framework
SEO Info
1. If you look at the source code , if you are familiar with WordPress, Drupal and other CMS you can easily find them by looking at the source code.
2. The CSS files can reveal a lot of information about the framework being used.