Linux Command: Tee
“The tee command is normally used to split the output of a program so that it can be both displayed and saved in a file.” wikipedia tee file.txt This command create a file.txt and anything you type is … Read more
“The tee command is normally used to split the output of a program so that it can be both displayed and saved in a file.” wikipedia tee file.txt This command create a file.txt and anything you type is … Read more
Step 1 let’s list the block devices lsblk if you are not using any floppy disk, there is no reason to have fd0 listed in the output of the command above. Step 2 rmmod floppy … Read more
If your letsencrypt SSL certificates are not renewed automatically, chances are that your certbot.timer service is not running. Here are the steps to troubleshoot this issue: 1. List all current systemd timers (see if Certbot … Read more
Here are the steps to resolve the .local issues in Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Here is the “hosts” info of my /etc/nsswitch.conf file: hosts: files dns Edit this file /etc/systemd/resolved.conf DNS=***Enter the IP of your DNS … Read more
Install the unattended upgrade package sudo apt-get install unattended-upgrades Edit this file accordingly vim /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades Install the Update Notifier The update-notifier daemon notifies about package updates and other useful information (like reboot required messages) This … Read more