Invalid command ‘RequestHeader’, perhaps misspelled or defined by a module
If you are using Ubuntu just enable the module by running the following command: sudo a2enmod headers Of course restart Apache after that service apache2 restart
If you are using Ubuntu just enable the module by running the following command: sudo a2enmod headers Of course restart Apache after that service apache2 restart
If you get this message from rkhunter you might need to run rkhunter -c to find out why. log into your server and run “rkhunter – – update” this will ensure that your software is … Read more
If UAC is not taking effect after you re-enable the feature, you will need to reboot the machine. Reboot the Machine after you reactivate UAC
Install php mcryt Ubuntu sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt
If you are getting these error messages, you will need to edit your “nano /etc/apt/sources.list” and replace the url in this case “ jaunty” with the new one “” Find the Updated URL and Replace … Read more