Login as root Ubuntu
To login as root in Ubuntu, you must first login as a user on the Ubuntu box and run the following command sudo passwd root This will allow you a assign a password to the … Read more
To login as root in Ubuntu, you must first login as a user on the Ubuntu box and run the following command sudo passwd root This will allow you a assign a password to the … Read more
Find the list of all the services > service –status-all Find the services that are running >service –status-all | grep running Find the services that are stopped >service –status-all | grep stopped
maillog error message fatal: parameter “smtpd_recipient_restrictions”: specify at least one working instance of: check_relay_domains, reject_unauth_destination, reject, defer or defer_if_permit. Like the error message states: we need to add one of the followings in the smtpd_recipient_restriction … Read more
Linux DNS Useful Websites If you ever tried to play with DNS, you will appreciate the following websites. DNS is just like programming the old PBX systems: you spend a great deal of time setting … Read more
To Install an RPM use the following command rpm -i “Package Name” To remove an RPM use the “e” flag: rpm -e “Package Name” References http://www.tfug.org/helpdesk/linux/rpm.html http://www.rpm.org/max-rpm/