Div not Pushing Footer Down
Make sure that you remove “height=XXX px” on the parent container. There should not be a height in the parent div container.
Make sure that you remove “height=XXX px” on the parent container. There should not be a height in the parent div container.
To center a DIV container use the following: padding-left:auto; padding-right:auto or margin:auto; in your css file Make sure you also set the width of your “DIV” tag
Most of the differences between Quirks Mode and Strict mode are highlighted below: If you want to get more information and a deeper understanding of the subject please visit this following website: http://www.quirksmode.org/css/quirksmode.html Quirks Mode … Read more
First Chrome and Firefox do not play nice with negative z-index. IE picks up my negative z-index without a glitch but Firefox and Chrome ignore it completely. I am going to stay away from negative … Read more
Here is the deal, no matter how often I do it, I keep on forgetting the right syntax for adding links in CSS. Being a seasoned designer, it frustrates me sometimes that something that easy … Read more