Device /dev/hda3 not found (or ignored by filtering)

I just created a partition (/dev/hda3) with fsdisk and here is how things look:

when i run

vgcreate /dev/hda3 

i get the following error:

Device /dev/hda3 not found (or ignored by filtering).

Now What? After some Googling i found out that you have to run a “partprobe” command.

partprobe /dev/hda

Now i am able to run the

vgcreate /dev/hda3

without a problem.

The partprobe command is used i lieu of rebooting the system. It is a command to let the system know that the partition table has changed.


lvm documentation

Failed to fetch


Failed to fetch 


1. Open /etc/apt/sources.list

2. Replace with

So the new link looks like the following: 

Can’t init outfile ycsoftware.mp3

Can't init outfile

This error is as Lame as the encoder’s name “Lame encoder”


Give the user Apache full permission onto the destination folder.

Try using “/tmp”, if that works, then it is indeed a permission issue.

Can’t locate Plack/Handler/

Error Messages

Plack::Handler::Starlet ...MISSING
Can't locate Plack/Handler/Standalone/Prefork/Server/ in @INC
FAIL Installing Plack::Handler::Starlet failed. See /USER/.cpanm/build.log for details.

Where the heck are the documentations for these modules?

I have tried everything cpanminus, cpan, cpanplus ect… Nothing would work until i did the following:

Navigate to the Perl Directory
(or wherever Perl is located on your system)
cd /usr/local/share/perl/

Within your perl folder there should be a folder called /Plack/Handler/
and within this folder there should be a file called “”


if this file is missing, you need to locate within your system or on the internet and copy or move it to that folder.
Mine was located here /USER/.cpan/build/Starlet-0.14-Spf5Vd/lib/

Run make testdeps again and voila no more error messages: