Why is everybody keep using Mon, 26 Jul 1997 as a date in the past (PHP Headers)?

In order to disable browser cache on dynamically generated pages, PHP uses the header method below:

header("Expires:  Date_in _the_past");

Over the years most people have been using the following:

header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');

If you don’t believe just do this Google Search.

There are only a couple of problems however:

FIRST PROBLEM : Jul 26 1997 fell on a Saturday not on a Monday.

SECOND PROBLEM : Why does it have to be that date?

There are plenty more dates to choose from anyway, so why is that one (Mon, 26 Jul 1997 ) or should we say (Sat, 26 Jul 1997) so special?

If you have any ideas, please drop me a comment.

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Switch from IDE controller to SCSI controller – VMWARE

When you convert or move  a machine to Vmware virtual machine  sometimes the hard drive is locked into the IDE adapter see the image below:

I have been Googling around and found this workaround:
1.   Add another hard drive
2.   Use a ghost utility to copy the existing content to the new hard drive
3.   And then expand the hard drive.

while these steps hightlighted above solve the problem but it is too time consuming.

Here is a different approach:

1. Change the IDE controller to SCSI Controller.
This tutorial below is all you need:
2. Increase the Drive Size using the vsphere UI.
3. Use windows and your partition tool to resize the partition.

Switch to Install Mode in Windows 2000

In the old days, you could not just start installing stuffs on a running server through terminal server. You were often prompted with this error message:

change user /install

to go back

change user /execute

When that happens , you need to switch the server to install mode. Make sure that your users are off the server.
Switch to Install Mode in Windows 2000