Autocomplete css, html with Eclipse

“CSS and HTML autocomplete” is possible with Eclipse but unlike dreamweaver there is a combination of keys that you have to hit:

As you are creating your css, if you want to autocomplete assistance in Eclipse you have to hit the following keys:


You should then see something like this:

There is also an eclipse plugin (referenced below) that according to many blogs out there is useful for autocomplete  but YCSoftware has not tested it yet :

if anybody has a better way, please you are welcome to pitch in (comments).

Not in vs Not Exists

They both (“NOT IN” and “NOT EXIST”) have the same functionality with only one major difference:

"NOT IN" will return a "NULL" if there are any NULL column(s) in the subquery.
"NOT EXISTS" does not do that so if you want to be consistent always use "NOT EXISTS"


What the heck is a domain object?

I would be reading a tutorial and all of sudden the author mentions “domain object”.

What the heck is a domain object? 

"Domain objects form the backbone of any application. They capture the core data model from the database and also the business rules that apply to this data. It is very typical for most subsystems of an application to rely on these common domain objects. This means that the closer the domain objects map to the data model in the database, the easier it is for the application developers to understand and use them because they mimic real-life "entities" and "relationships" as represented in the database.

If domain objects are not separated from the rest of the application, we end up with duplication of code everywhere. Similarly, if domain objects are not separated from the persistence code, we face situations where any subsystem using the domain objects also knows and depends on the persistence objects. And, any change in persistence objects affects the entire application, hence a bad design." or

There are so much copy and paste (plagiarism) out there,  it is really hard to tell who originally wrote the article. Whoever you are thanks since that’s the best one I could find.


Domain objects vs Business Objects

More objects domain definitions

PHP Include and Require (Absolute and Relative Links)

How does the include (include_once) and require (require_once) functions work?

Everytime I step away from PHP, I seem to forget how the include and require work with respect to absolute and relative links.

PHP includes the "include/require files" first 
then the paths within the include/require are located relative the new location.

P default margin different in Firefox and IE

If you notice that paragraphs, h1 and other tags have different default margin among browsers, you might want to use the following css code.

* {margin:0px;padding:0px;}

This code removes the additional spaces for all html elements.


If you only want to eliminate the space for selected tags, you will need to use something like the following:

<p class="no_extra_space">