You will need to follow the instructions from the Mozilla Site below to resolve this issue.
Please inspect this machine, because it may be infected(rkhunter)
If you get this message from rkhunter you might need to run rkhunter -c to find out why.
log into your server and run “rkhunter – – update” this will ensure that your software is up to date.
then run
"rkhunter --propupd"
"rkhunter -c"
If you are getting a lot of false positive, you can white list them using the following section in rkhunter.conf:
If it is still not working try:
More About rkhunter here:
rkhunter “debugging” howto
Why do I have white space in my textarea element?
Reading From Stream Has Failed MySQL (Windows 7 client)
If you get this error “Reading from stream has failed”
or if your MySQL Workbench client is unable to fetch the table information from the server
<pre>you will need to check your firewall (Server Side).</pre>
Chances are that your connection is working fine on Windows XP but for some reasons it is not working on Windows 7 or windows server 2008.
MYSQL int(M) Meaning
In many databases, when you see something like int(11), you would expect 11 to be the maximum size of the field but for some reason the MySQl folks thought that was too intuitive so they decided to change it. In MySQL when you something like int(M), M stands for “Maximum Display Size”.
"M indicates the maximum display width for integer types. The maximum legal display width is 255."
Mysql Websites
Other Resources