All Linux Flavors
When you let so many hands in the Linux cake, you end up with something like this: Linux Flavors
When you let so many hands in the Linux cake, you end up with something like this: Linux Flavors
.htaccess directives themselves are not case sensitive. However the files referenced through mod-rewrite and similar directives are subject to the case sensitivity of the operating system in use.
Remote syslog is cool but how it is not going to be of any use to me if i cannot segregate my logs per client out of the box. I would like to have “server_1” … Read more
This is not a post about how to setup syslog, if it is your objective then click one of the links below. This post instead gives you a checklist to help you fix common issues … Read more
To reload fstab without rebooting just run the following command: mount -a