DIV tags and padding issues (why is padding moving my DIVs?)

Why is “padding” moving my DIV containers?


I don’t get it. I thought padding was the distance between the inner div and the text.

"The padding clears an area around the content (inside the border) of an element."

"A padding is the space between an element's border and the content within it."

So why is it increasing the size of the div tag?

Internet Explorer, Firefox anybody?

Here is the work around but frankly this is stupid.

1. Using a <p> tag within your DIV

        <p style="padding:10px">        </p>

2. Using a Div within a Div

        <div style="padding:10px">        </div>
Per Stuffs that i found online the width and the height 
of div tags can be calculated using the formulas below:

width = 
border-left + 
padding-left + 
width + 
padding-right + 

height = 
border-top + 
padding-top + 
height + 
padding-bottom + 

Insert css into html pages

It can be linked:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/ycsoftware.css" />

It can be embedded

<style> ... </style>

It can be imported

<style type="text/css" media="all">
@import url("css/ycsoftware.css");

You can also import css from within a css file

@import "jquery.ui.base.css";

Shuffle Associative Arrays in PHP

Dear PHP,

Add this to your repo. It will save us a lof of time.

function shuffle_assoc ($source_array) {
    if (!is_array($source_array)) {
    return false;
    $keys = array_keys($source_array);
    foreach ($keys as $key){
    $modified_array[$key] = $source_array[$key];
    return $modified_array;

Selectively Redirect to HTTPS

If you do not want the entire site to be https, let’s say you have an XML files that you want outside the https realm, you can just use mod_rewrite to selectively reroute your requests.

RewriteRule !^(nohttps.xml)$  https://ycsoftware.net/https_only/$1 [R,L]

Anything that is not nohttps.xml use https.

Remote Syslog – Can we separate the logs per remote client (linux)?

Remote syslog is cool but how it is not going to be of any use to me if i cannot segregate my logs per client out of the box.

I would like to have “server_1” logs to go to “/var/log/servers/server_1.log” on the remote machine and so on…

Right now this thing just dump every server logs into one file /var/log/messages.

Apparently this is possible only in UNIX not in LINUX, so this is not going to work on my RedHat’ ish BOX.

*.* /var/log/servers/server_1.log

Note that i am talking about the standard syslogd server. There is another syslog server called syslog-ng, I will try that one and see if it can be useful. In the meantime, if anybody managed to segregate the standard linux syslog per remote client please let us know. Everybody could benefit from it.