405 – HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed.

I kept on getting this error message:
“405 – HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed.”
whenever i tried to use one of my PHP form on IIS server. I checked my handler mapping everything looked fine see below:

Then after a few hours of troubleshooting the issue without any luck (Google Included) , I decided to change the above verb to “All Verbs” that seems to have fixed the issue.


Microsoft Access 2010 Extra Blank Page Issues

If you keep getting a blank page when printing reports in Microsoft Access 2010, you are not alone. Apparently it is a known issue. To solve it just do the following:

1.  Click on a blank area of your report Detail section and locate “Force New Page”. Change its value to “Before Section”.


Serial Port Programming

A friend of mine from the electrical engineering department at my old university approached me once and wanted to get some ideas about an engineering project for his senior design class. He wanted to link several electronic devices together via the serial port and also communicate with with them via the internet.

I  realized then how little that I knew about  serial port programming and I wanted to change that quickly.  While working on this project, I came across a few documents that were very useful and here they are:

Serial Programming HOWTO

Serial Programming Guide for Posix Operating Systems

Serial Port Programming Linux and Windows (PDF)


Any Serial Ports

Center DIVs

To center a DIV container use the following:




in your css file
Make sure you also set the width of your “DIV” tag