Installing Microsoft Dynamic GP

Installing most software on Microsoft platforms are usually straightforward but as soon as you start delving into active directory, enterprise software, .net framework versions not coping with one another the conception is drastically changed.

I have tried to install GP on a windows server 2003 and all of a sudden i get this:

First of all that does not tell me anything. When i looked into the event viewer i get the following message
"Product: Dexterity Shared Components — .NET Framework 2.0 is not installed.  The installation cannot continue."

Ok why do i get a green check mark on 2.0?That is stupid!

Now I am like "ok" let me download .net 2.0 .Apparently, i cannot install .net 2.0 because .net 2.0 sp1 is already installed. Now For God's Sake why don't they make just one framework and keep on updating it.

I did use the .net cleanup tool  to remove .net 2.0  and restarted the install.

The install tool care of the .net 2.0 installation and Voila


For more details on this issue please visit this blog